All started 5 years ago where I entered in the field of “ human behavior and life improvement studies” and which I was also mentored by world known authors in this field.
As a member of Achology community – Academy for Modern Applied Psychology – I completed trainings in :
- Barksdale Human Behavior Program
- Advanced Counselling Program
- Life Coaching Master Program
- Cognitive Behavior Therapy – CBT
- Neuro Linguistic Programming – NLP
- Modern Applied Psychology Diploma Program- DMAP
- Skilled Helper Coaching program by Dr Gerard Egan
- Hypnotherapy Practitioner Program
- Mental Health Practitioner Program
- Mindfullness Master Program
Additional trainings:
Life Productivity Program by Mr Keith Garrick
Landmark Personal Development Trainings – Level I and Level II master program
AMP Gold program by Dr. Benjamin Hardy
Books that inspire me :
Man’s search for meaning _ Viktor E. Frankl
Responsibility Rebellion_ Kain Ramsay, Cinzia Dubois
7 Habits of Highly Effective People_ Stephen R. Covey
On Becoming a Person_Carl.R. Rogers
How to stubbornly refuse to make yourself miserable about anything_ Albert Ellis PhD, Kristene A.Doyle
Don’t bite the hook_Pema Chodron
The Mind Management_Prof Steve Peters
The war of Art_Steven Pressfield
Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy_W.C. Olmsted
The meditation_Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius
The daily stoic_Ryan Holiday, Stephen Hanselman
The Element_Ken Robins, Lou Aronica
Discources by Epictetus_translation by Robin Hard
Feel the fear and do it anyway_Susan Jeffers
Ikigai_ Hector Garcia, Francesc Miralles
The Art of impossible_Steven Kotler
Principles_Ray Dalio
Tiny Habits_B.J. Fogg, PhD
Peak_Anders Ericsson, Robert Pool
The big leap_ Gay Hendricks
Mindset_ Dr. Carol S. Dweck
The miracle of mindfulness_Thich Nhat Hanh
Eat that frog_Brian Tracy
Everything is figureoutable_ Marie Forleo
Atomic Habits_James Clear
What color is your parachute 2018_Richard N. Bolles
The art of learning_Josh Waitzkin
Love yourself like your life depend on it_Kamal Ravikant
Inward_Yung Pueblo