Journals from the attic

Is there a similarity in between a wave to a sea and an act to a person ? 

Is it possible to see that in reality, that they are actually both representations, manifestations of themselves due to a cause regardless of internal or external stimuli ?

How is it that both wave and an act share the same principles then ? Isn’t there the sameness in  neither they don’t come out of no where nor their purpose of existence is a farthest truth than who they are ? 

Keeping those in mind:

When there is a corner – be it a decision if you choose- to be turned in our lives right after we decide to move forward- be it with or without in certainty- who gets to decide the amount of time and type of effort is needed? 

Who would you really prefer that person would be ? Seriously, who can ever be ? 

Know thy self , THIS is in your control  whereas anything else is not. It never was…

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