We are all unique individuals with unique total life experiences, heredity and inner knowing. We have different levels of self awareness, different priority of core values, different understanding of what life mean to us. Therefore I suggest that there is no one size shoe that fits to all of us. Nevertheless, thankfully our forefathers in psychology created some frameworks to understand each others’ views, core values, identity and our stance in life.
Among many other “giants” works and contributions to the field of psychology, I am deeply inspired from the works of Plato, Aristo, Socrates, Epictetus, S. Kierkegaard, A. Maslow, S. Freud, C. Jung, V. Frankl, C. Rogers, A. Ellis, G. Egan, Keith D. Garrick and K. Ramsay.
The framework below contains those great people’s amazing works.
Phase 1: Where you are in your life and what’s going on with you today?
- You will clarify your blind spots, cognitive processes, defense mechanisms, distortions, biases, prejudices, assumptions, and other limiting beliefs that underpin your actions & behaviors with their weight and role on your current decisions at your life.
- We will go through your core values & your core identity while looking at the patterns in your life for why you do what you do.
- You will look at your current relationships and their weight in your life considering what we will discover previously.
Phase 2: What do you really want in your life?
- My primary focus will be to understand what you really want in your life.
- We will see more clearly about your needs, wants or desires and where you want to be in life.
- You will re-evaluate your new priorities list of values and how they would be synchronized with your core identity.
- You will visualize, formulate your purpose, your ideal self / your future self of whom you want to be. We will go through your wants and needs from alternative perspectives.
- You will define the pillars of your life that you will stand upon.
Phase 3: What are you going to do about it?
- You will create a tangible action plan for short, mid, and long terms goals for where you want to be in your life.
- We will design a system for both accountability and for effective feedback to have clear view and check for deviations from achieving your goals. This is a dynamic process, and it will serve us to adjust, adapt and re-implement what needs to be done for you to be where you want to be.
- We will follow up the outcomes.
My Presuppositions are:
Counseling is NOT for feeling better, it’s for BEING better…
Responsibility breeds empowerment.
We change only when our desire to change is greater than our desire to remain the same.
There are no broken people, there is no one to fix or heal and no one can do that for you.
We are all meaning making machines. We always were. Hence this is how you know everything you believe you know.
Quality of our lives are determined by the relationships we keep around us.
Emotions are not illnesses. They are effects of a previous cause.